2022-03 捐贈快速測試劑 - 香港拯救貓狗協會
活動名稱: 捐贈快速測試劑 受惠團體: 香港拯救貓狗協會 活動日期: 2022年3月份 ... -
2022-03 捐贈快速測試劑 - 香港導盲犬協會
活動名稱: 捐贈快速測試劑 受惠團體: 香港導盲犬協會 活動日期: 2022年3月份 ... -
2021-07 SIP・ART and ADAM「知.觸.嚐.樂」月餅禮盒 2021
活動名稱: SIP・ART and ADAM「知.觸.嚐.樂」月餅禮盒 2021 活動團體: SIP・ART與藝全人 活動日期: 2021年7月 至 2021年9月 活動地點: 義賣月餅 ... -
2020-07 SIP・ART and ADAM「知.觸.嚐.樂」月餅禮盒 2020
活動名稱: SIP・ART and ADAM「知.觸.嚐.樂」月餅禮盒 2020 活動團體: SIP・ART與藝全人 活動日期: 2020年7月 至 2020年9月 活動地點: 義賣月餅 ... -
2020-09 妙思猛龍線上共融跑 2020
活動名稱: 妙思猛龍線上共融跑 2020 活動團體: 香港傷健共融網絡 活動日期: 2020年9月26日 活動地點: 線上 活動內容: 香港傷健共融網絡成立九年來聘用過12位殘障... -
2021-Summer LACAH II《Harry S Truman》
活動名稱: LACAH II《Harry S Truman》 活動團體: LACAH 活動日期: 2021年夏天 / Summer 2021 活動地點: 中國上海市 / Shanghai C... -
2020-Winter LACAH I《Julius Streicher》
活動名稱: LACAH I《Julius Streicher》 活動團體: LACAH 活動日期: 2020年冬天 / Winter 2020 活動地點: 中國上海市 / Shanghai ... -
2019-04 妙思猛龍慈善跑 2019
活動名稱: 妙思猛龍慈善跑 2019 活動團體: 香港傷健共融網絡 活動日期: 2019年4月14日 活動地點: 西貢萬宜路 (起點: 北潭涌傷健樂園) 活動內容: 支持本地視障... -
2019-09 高分猛龍越野跑 2019
活動名稱: 高分猛龍越野跑 2019 活動團體: 香港傷健共融網絡 活動日期: 2019年9月28日 活動地點: 麥理浩徑第六、七、八段(經針山、草山及大帽山) 活動內容: 全港... -
2019-07 港版《導盲犬小 Q》慈善首映禮
活動名稱: 港版《導盲犬小 Q》慈善首映禮 活動團體: 香港導盲犬協會有限公司 活動日期: 2019年7月16日 活動地點: 沙田新城市廣場MCL Movie Town 活動內容:...
促進教育基金會 - 簡介
A Foundation for the Future
With a commitment to expanding the scope and reach of education in Hong Kong, the Education Development Foundation Association has been providing opportunities for experiential learning across a broad social spectrum since 1995. EDFA is a non-profit, non-government organization that raises funds for innovative, real-life learning experiences for young people, the elderly and other people in need.Our Vision for Education
We see education not simply as classroom learning but as a range of activities that help people to think, interact, learn, relearn and grasp opportunities. Knowing that there are many unsatisfied social needs in Hong Kong, we initiate custom-made projects to improve community life, one step at a time.A Focus on those in Need
Everyone has learning potential but it isn’t always fulfilled. EDFA organizes activities for those who are least likely to have opportunities come their way, including underprivileged children, youth, the elderly and disabled people. At a formal level we provide grants, scholarships and awards that support educational advancement. In a broader sense we draw people into activities that help reshape their lives.Assistance that Matters
Aside from hosting lectures, conferences and exhibitions, EDFA has recently:- Co-organised a computer distribution program with Lenovo to help underprivileged school children take advantage of the government’s offer of a free WIFI service.
- Subsidized activities for the elderly such as singing and dancing to help retirees stay active and continue to improve themselves and their social networks.
- Helped to subsidize the Hong Kong entry in football’s Homeless World Cup, fostering a team spirit and a sense of personal hope.
- Details
- Parent Category: 促進教育基金會
銀行轉帳: | 銀行名稱: 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司 帳戶號碼: 003-396-0000710-4 |
支票捐贈: | 支票抬頭: Education Development Foundation Association 寄到: 香港葵涌永業街1 - 3號忠信針織中心4字B座 (促進教育基金會 - 秘書處收) |
Bank Deposit: | Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited Account Number: 003-396-0000710-4 |
Cheque Donation: | Payable to: Education Development Foundation Association Mail to: Unit B, 4/F., Chung Shun Knitting Centre, 1-3 Wing Yip Street, Kwai Chung, N.T., H.K. (Attn: EDFA Secretary) |
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- Parent Category: 促進教育基金會
學校註冊編號 : 527688 | |||||||
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- Parent Category: 促進教育基金會
促進教育基金會 自1995年在香港成立。基金是一個非牟利及非官方的獨立慈善基金團體,由一班善長所籌劃而成,期望能推廣教育,作育英材。
EDFA was established in Hong Kong 1995. The foundation is a non-profitable and non-governmental independent organization. It is organized by a group of donators who shares the same vision and believes EDFA engages the entire community in making educational excellence a top priority.
促進敎育基金會 我們致力提供不同的教育活動及資助社會上弱勢社群。為本港市民提供教育機會和鼓勵他們進行各類型的學術教育活動,更向社會上有需要人士提供適切的援助及基本設施,以解決他們急切的需要。
The mission of the foundation is to provide various educational activities and to make provision for the relief of poverty and suffering. The foundation provides Hong Kong people educational opportunities and encourages different educational activities. It provides the minority appropriate assistance and basic facilities to solve their urgent needs.
促進教育基金會 成立非牟利學校及提供助學金、奬金、貸款、捐助及贊助各類型的學術教育活動 (例如 : 學者演講、學術展覧、學術推廣、學術交流及研究等)。
The foundation is established and provides grant, grant scholarship, awards and prizes and to contribute to or assist by the provision of grants loans, donations and support various promotion and advancement of education (such as giving of lectures, holding of exhibitions, promotion of education, advancement of education, research, etc).
- Details
- Parent Category: 促進教育基金會
第七屆董事局 The 7th Term Board of Directors (2023-2025)
主席 Chairman | 陳惠仁先生 Mr. Ronald W. Y. Chan |
副主席 Vice-Chairmen | 林衛邦先生 Mr. Wai Pong Lam |
理事 Directors | 吳緯東先生 Mr. Wai Tung Ng |
冼健岷先生 |
丁志威議員 Mr. Roy Chi Wai Ting |
蕭劍平先生 Mr. Edmond Siu Kim Ping |
謝漢雄先生 Mr. Freeman Tse Hon Hung |
余浩偉先生 Mr. David H. W. Yu |
張漪莎小姐 Ms. Louisa Cheung |
諮議局 Advisory Board | ||
名譽會長 Honorary President | 陳慶章先生 Mr. Hing Cheung Chan |
名譽副會長 Honorary Vice-President | 蒲慶傑先生 Mr. Hing Kit Po |
名譽主席 Honorary Chairman | 陳湛文先生 Mr. Simon Cham Man Chan |
名譽顧問 Honorary Advisor | 謝錦成博士 Dr. Kam Shing Tse |
名譽顧問 Honorary Advisor | 陳湛偉先生 Mr. Vincent Chan |
名譽顧問 Honorary Advisor | 陳凱怡小姐 Ms. Emily Chan |
核數師 Auditor | 蔡錦輝會計師 Mr. Vincent Choi Kam Fai |
法律顧問 Legal Advisor | 葉潤芝律師 Ms. Diana Y.C. Yip |
- Details
- Parent Category: 促進教育基金會